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Message from President & CEO

"The services of specialist resolve specific demand"

代表取締役社長CEO 永野 茂

Company name, EXLAYER stands for Exclusive Layer, which means Special, One and Only Classes.

Initially we established in London, 2001 by the Telecom specialists, then now still continuously and intensively providing the exclusive layer's services to our client. Our constant services are, "ICT" related, which included overall integration of IT, WAN, MAN and LAN, "Neutral" which means EXLAYER always provides same quality and level of services without any Bias, and "Global" which means Client can get same high quality services in Worldwide basis.

Our business is highly competitive and we aggressively seek to expand our client relationships more and more, by the global vision and our unique strength. Then EXLAYER opens a Bright and Prosperous New Ages in Client Satisfaction and a World of Peace.

